What Is Web3 Marketing? – Beginners Guide

Web3 Marketing is conceived as a complex concept by the majority but in this guide of What is Web3 Marketing, all terms will be broken down for easy comprehension.

I promise to reveal the most important things about Web3 Marketing and Strategies.

I will also do my best to explain in most simplified language for you to understand easily as a beginner.

Before we begin, let me introduce you to the history briefly as this is very important as you journey along with me.

History and Definition of Web3 

The web is a short form of the World Wide Web. 

Web is a subset of the Internet consisting of the pages that can be accessed by a Web Browser according to techopedia.com.

The Web is in different versions namely; Web1.0, Web2.0 and Web3.

Let’s take a look at each of them one after the other.


This is known as the static website. It is the first version of the web that was launched in the early 1990s.

It comprised simple HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) pages that were READ-ONLY with no form of interaction.

What is web3 marketing
Web1.0 with No Interactivity – READ ONLY

This means you can only read information on these websites, you don’t have the opportunity to comment, like or interact with the content on the websites.

Let’s move to Web2.0.


Around the early 2000s, the web got elevated into a more dynamic and interactive environment for users which is known today as the Web2.0.

what is web3 marketing
Web2.0 with User Interactivity – Read, Write & React

This Web2.0 is the next version of the web after Web1.0 and it introduced social media platforms, internet/online collaboration and networking plus much content developed by users.

Now, let’s move to the god-father of the Web versions..


Web3.0 or simply “Web3” was coined by the Polkadot Blockchain Founder and the Ethereum Co-Founder Gavin Wood in the year 2014.

He used this term to refer to a “Decentralized Online Ecosystem Based on the Blockchain” – Web3

Now, let’s try to understand what exactly we mean by Web3.

But before then, let’s look at the important history that led to the emergence of Web3.0 briefly.

Brief History To the Emergence of Web3.0

Let’s start with the pioneering Master – Bitcoin.


Bitcoin came into existence in the year 2009.

It is the first Cryptocurrency that was developed by the anonymous Satoshi Nakamoto backed by the Blockchain infrastructures. 

Bitcoin gave birth to the beginning of the Decentralized Web.

Bitcoin is built on the Blockchain technology and allows decentralization, that is Peer To Peer (P2P) transactions.

Or let’s say 1 to 1 person transactions without the need to involve any central or third party authority.

I have written a well detailed article on Bitcoin history and how to make money on Bitcoin Trading here.

You can read it immediately when you’re done with this article.

Let’s move to the next interesting Blockchain that revolutionized the system and brought life to the Web3 Ecosystem.


In 2015, Ethereum Blockchain came into existence and it was founded by Vitalik Buterin.

He was the one who introduced Smart Contracts and the ability to build Decentralized Applications (DApps) on top of the blockchain.

Ethereum is the blockchain and Ether (ETH) is the native token which is the Cryptocurrency of the Ethereum Blockchain.

Now that we’ve talked about the emergence history, let’s now move into the definition of Web3.0.

What is Web3.0?

Web3 in a layman’s definition..

what is web3 marketing
Web3.0 Interactivity with Control, Privacy & Freedom from Restrictions

Web3 means an open and better internet than web2 which gives you CONTROL and complete FREEDOM from restrictions.

Web3 is an open and better internet than web2 which gives you CONTROL and complete FREEDOM from restrictions.


Where you have CONTROL, PRIVACY and adequate SECURITY over your data, content, identity and resources.

Web3 also gives you the opportunity to make money on your content by setting the price you want your audience or readers to pay without having to worry about any platform owner restricting you or deleting your content or banning your account unnecessarily.

In fact, once you have written your content or set up your account and saved the data, you can import it on other social sites on the Blockchain.

Example of this is Lens Protocol that gives you the opportunity to own a Lens Profile account which you can buy on opensea at the moment.

what is web3 marketing
The Concept Behind Lens Protocol

When you own a Lens Profile, you can use your single account on other social sites on the Blockchain which is not possible on Web2.0.

You know you can’t import your Facebook profile to Twitter or Tiktok. But this is possible on the Blockchain.

All you have to do is CONNECT your Lens Profile wallet and your data or information will be imported.

Here is our profile account on Lens, you can follow us now whether you have an account or not.

Web3 emerged as a way to describe this Decentralized Web and when we mean decentralization, we mean an open internet where..

There are NO restrictions, where your information and interactions are secured and you can control your data you choose to share with people.

And that’s not all…

what is web3 marketing
Your Content Can be Traded for Money on NFTs Marketplaces

Nobody has the authority to make money with your data or content like Facebook or Google do on web2 EXCEPT you give them the permission.

Web3 comes with a lot of NEW use cases like Decentralized Finance (DeFi).

That is, you can now borrow/lend money, invest it and get your returns automatically with the help of Decentralized Applications (DApps) without the interference of a third party intermediary. But..

This is possible with the development of Smart Contracts.

I know you will ask, what are Smart Contracts?

Let’s take a look at it.

Smart Contracts

what is web3 marketing
Definition of Smart Contract

Smart Contracts are a set of instructions or rules given to computers to carry out some specific tasks automatically without the involvement of anyone interfering the process.

Before we proceed, let me quickly explain what are Decentralized Applications and cite an example for better understanding.

Decentralized Applications (DApps)

Decentralized Applications or simply DApps are applications built on (first on the Ethereum) Blockchain with the help of Smart Contracts and..

These DApps paved the way for the Decentralized Web since these applications are built and can be run automatically without the need of a central authority or third party intermediary.

Now pay attention to what I’m about to show you next…

A lot of projects and brands have launched on Web3 and even Web2 brands are desiring to be onboarded to Web3 but..

They don’t know how Web3 Marketing works and how to find their way around it.

This is what this next section does justice to. Let’s dive in…

What is Web3 Marketing?

Before I delve into What is Web3 Marketing and Strategies, it’s important I explain what it means to you if this is your first time hearing these terms.

What is Web3 Marketing?

Web3 Marketing is the art or process of promoting the BENEFITS of Decentralized Applications (DApps), technologies and Blockchain based products, projects or brands in the Web3 Ecosystem.

For example, Phala Network is a Web3 brand.

Their vision is to become the world’s LARGEST Peer To Peer Computing Network and Standard Decentralized Computing Cloud based on Web3.

Phala Network has three (3) main products at the moment namely;

  • Phat Contract
  • SubBridge
  • Phala World 

There are opportunities you can derive from Phala Network at the moment and they are described below..

Phala Network is currently onboarding people for their Ambassadorship program. 

You can take a look at it and apply here then use @awesomemikeinc as the referral name.

what is web3 marketing
Use This as Referral Name

Also, Phala Network is giving grants to Builders both Web3 and Web2 Developers that can adopt the Phat Contract and BUILD with it. 

You can join the Phala Network Discord Server here and ask their Ambassadors or Moderators any questions you have on it.

You can also read the whole Phala Network thread we wrote to educate you about Phala Network and their opportunities here.

Now, let’s talk about the 8 strategies for Web3 Marketing for the growth of your brand and project as we close.

8 Strategies For Web3 Marketing

Below are a few of the strategies we want to explain that can help you grow your Web3 brand or project.

1.) Content Marketing and User Education

User and community education is vital in this Web3 space since Web3 is believed to be a complex and new field with many Crypto jargons.

Using Content Marketing is an important role in educating your target audience about your brand, its values and how it works.

Create content that can help your users and community members in relation to your brand propositions, topics suggested by the community or specific problems that you notice are unsolved in the Web3 space.

2.) Build Your Community

Engaging with potential users on social media platforms, other online communities and revealing your project to them as well as inviting them to follow your brand is a major strategy to build and grow your brand in Web3.

3.) Influencer Marketing Method

Locate Influential Figures in the Web3  space that share common values and standards with your project and collaborate with them to promote your brand.

Of course, some might do it for you for FREE and some collaboration might come with some costs as well.

4.) Introduce Affiliate Programs

Giving referral incentives is an efficient method to drive growth to your web3 project.

Inform your existing users and followers to share your brand materials, links and content with their friends and family in exchange for some form of rewards.

5.) Intentional Giveaways

Giveaways are also an effective Web3 Marketing strategy since people love FREE GIFTS. 

Schedule time for giveaways and share it with your community to also invite others to participate and stand a chance of increasing their winning odds.

6.) Organize Events and Meetups

Hosting events and local meetups can also help in promoting your Web3 brand by building relationships with the potential users and followers.

Doing these gives you the opportunity to talk about your project to new people that you can invite at the end of the event to come check you out on your social platforms and give you a follow.

7.) Create Partnerships With Web3 Brands

When you partner with other web3 projects, this helps you extend your reach and integrating with other web3 platforms help you to grow your user base and acquire more followers.

8.) Use Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

With FREE (Organic) traffic in mind, optimizing your web3 project is an important method to use especially if you already have a website.

There are many tricks we use in optimizing a website content, you can read more on this topic using Google or another search engine.

The idea here is to experiment and find the strategies that work best for your specific brand or project.

It’s been a long haul with me. I commend your effort so far.

Now, let’s do a brief summary of all I’ve shared with you.

Stay With Me To the End My Web3 Love!

In this article What is Web3 Marketing, I have been able to explain a lot of Web3 terms from the meaning of Web, to different versions of Webs that we have and..

I also did a brief history on the emergence of Web3 then we moved to definition of Web3 and What is Web3 Marketing.

We also delved into the use cases of Web3 and I explained some important terms like Smart Contracts, DApps before we later moved to What is Web3 Marketing as we concluded it with its Strategies to grow your Web3 brand or project.

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Your Opinion Matters (I Reply All Comments)

I hope this article has done justice to some questions you have concerning Web3 and Web3 Marketing. But..

In case you have any questions regarding the topic we discussed or advice and recommendation, feel free to share it with us in the comment section.

Let me ask, what’s your biggest takeaway in this article or what would you like to add to it?

Drop it for us in the comment section and we will reply to it ASAP (As Soon As Possible).

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Thanks for reading!

Wish you all the best.

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2 thoughts on “What Is Web3 Marketing? – Beginners Guide”

  1. This is very informative.
    Thanks for taking us through the detailed meaning of Web3 Marketing and the Strategies involved.
    Keep up the good work👍👍

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